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  3. I’m eligible for free hearing aids. Why do they want me to pay for upgrades?

I’m eligible for free hearing aids. Why do they want me to pay for upgrades?

I am eligible for free hearing aids, but the ones I have been shown will cost me quite a bit. I was told they are what I need. Why? 

There are different levels (features) in hearing aids. So each specific model will have different features that may suit your lifestyle and hearing environments better.

However, you need to find out what features the free hearing aids have, the extra features you have been quoted for and why you need them. Consider your lifestyle, if and how the extra features will help you, and why they suggest you need them.   

Also, shop around with another audiologist. You should absolutely get a second opinion if you are concerned about the features being offered or the cost.

Note that even if you have severe hearing loss, it does not follow that more expensive hearing aids will be any better for you.

Updated on November 24, 2022

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