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  3. I have hearing loss. How can I have face-to-face live conversations with another person using captions on my side of the screen so I can read what they are saying? 

I have hearing loss. How can I have face-to-face live conversations with another person using captions on my side of the screen so I can read what they are saying? 

There are several options available for having face-to-face conversations with captions on your screen so that you can read what the other person is saying.

You can use Real-Time Speech Captioning Apps that will transcribe speech in a live face-to-face environment where you are both in the same room. Ava, NALscribe and Live Transcribe are examples of apps that will transcribe voice-to-text on-screen for you.  

Another option is to use a video conferencing platform that includes a captioning feature. Some examples of video conferencing platforms that offer this type of feature include Skype, Zoom, and Google Meet. These platforms allow you to have live, face-to-face conversations with others using your computer, smartphone, or other devices, and provide real-time captions of what the other person is saying on your screen. 

Telephone captioning services may also be an appropriate option. These services allow you to make phone calls and have the conversation transcribed in real-time on your screen or on another device. Some examples of telephone captioning services include Konnekt Captioning Videophone, CapTel and the National Relay Service in Australia. 

It is important to note that the specific options available to you will depend on your individual needs and circumstances, as well as the type of device you are using and the internet connectivity in your area. It is a good idea to research different options and consider your specific needs and preferences before choosing a solution. 

Updated on February 22, 2023

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